Sunday, November 7, 2010

Halloween 2010

Well, we ended up taking Mia to several churches in town who were having "Trunk or Treats". This is when people park their cars in the parking lot and open their trunks and decorate them. They pass out candy and some people have you play a game to get the candy.  Some churches even have free food, like hot dogs, popcorn, carmel apples, nachos and drinks. Pretty cool actually. Saturday night we went to three churches and Sunday we went to three more churches. She came home with a LOT of candy.  Of course I don't want her to eat any of it, but she has had a few pieces. I am not interested in it at all, which is good for me. Mia was the cutest witch I had ever seen. Everyone kept telling us how cute she was.  She was saying "trick or treat" and "thanks".  It was a good time overall. Here are some pics of our outing.

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